Guide to gyms cleaning and disinfection

Guide to gyms cleaning and disinfection

Discover the products and procedures necessary for gym cleaning and disinfection in sports facilities.

 Sports facilities are spaces for leisure and people’s health. This causes club members to be more demanding with gym cleaning and disinfection. In sports facilities, hygiene must be clear in every corner and in every action, from the fitness room to the cafeteria.

In this guide, you will find the products for cleaning and disinfecting sports facilities and the recommended procedures to guarantee a better experience for members in terms of hygiene.

  • What products are necessary for cleaning and disinfecting sports facilities?
  • What is the recommended frequency for cleaning and disinfecting sports facilities?
  • Involve members of sports facilities in cleaning and disinfection tasks
  • Promote personal hygiene among members of sports facilities
  • Prevent accumulations of water from forming in the pool area and changing rooms
  • Guarantee the availability of soap and paper with large-format dispensers
  • Choose solutions that speed up gym cleaning without losing effectiveness
  • Excellence in service also goes through hygiene facilitator for managers and help for cleaning staff 

 What products are necessary for cleaning and disinfecting sports facilities?

 For the cleaning and disinfection of the gyms. We will need neutral detergents to avoid damaging the surfaces and acid detergents (also known as descalers). Eliminating the remains of lime in the swimming pool or locker room area.

Disinfectants must have proven efficacy against viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

The application of chemical products will be carried out. Preferably with non-woven fabric cloths, although we can also use microfiber cloths; you can check their differences here.

Regarding cleaning tools, mops, brushes, and water collectors, among others, will be very useful.

 What is the recommended frequency for cleaning and disinfecting sports facilities?

 Sports facilities should be cleaned and disinfected daily and ideally several times a day. making cleaning more visible in sports centers helps members build a more positive image of the club and feel safer.

We use the moments of a less influx of people for superficial hygiene and when the doors of the club are closed. Professional cleaners carry thorough cleaning and disinfection out. It is a must combine cleaning and disinfection with ventilation for at least 10 minutes and several times a day. Preventing the proliferation of viruses and bacteria in the environment.

Involve members of sports facilities in cleaning and disinfection tasks

 Involving gym members in certain cleaning tasks also increases their commitment to keeping the facilities in perfect condition. For this, we can place dispensers of cloths impregnated in disinfectant solutions. These products allow users to disinfect surfaces before or after using any device and give them a feeling of peace of mind about cleanliness.

We can also place paper dispensers in the fitness room to dry the remains of sweat after using the weight machines.

Promote personal hygiene among members of sports facilities

 Personal hygiene is one of the most effective tools to stop the transmission of viruses and bacteria in any space. In sports centers, we recommend it to install soap and paper towel dispensers in the bathroom and also different points for hand hygiene. In addition, it is also convenient to encourage the use of masks in those spaces where appropriate. 

Prevent accumulations of water from forming in the pool area and changing rooms

 Humidity is the perfect breeding ground for many bacteria and fungi to reproduce. Avoid at all costs the accumulations of water in the changing rooms and in the swimming pool area.

We must act with the help of water collectors and ensure that the surfaces are properly dried after gym cleaning and disinfection.

Guarantee the availability of soap and paper with large-format dispensers

 Sports facilities spend large amounts of paper and soap because of the high turnover of members during the day. The unavailability of toilet paper in the bathroom can be a very negative experience for many users. To prevent this from happening and to ensure that hygiene-related consumables last as long as possible, we recommend installing large-capacity dispensers and checking them daily during gym cleaning.

Choose solutions that speed up gym cleaning without losing effectiveness

 Innovation in the cleaning sector has given rise to new products that facilitate the tasks of the personnel in charge of hygiene and contribute to saving time. Using cleaning carts in gyms facilitates the transport of the tools for cleaning and disinfection and avoids unnecessary travel. We also recommended it to bet on mops for sweeping and mopping, which offer impeccable finishes in less time than that offered by brooms and mops. Excellence in service also goes through hygiene.

 Taking care of details and offering members of sports facilities materials to make personal hygiene more accessible is positive for the brand image and improves the user experience.

An example of this would offer clean towels to members to use in the locker rooms or during exercise in the fitness rooms.

We also recommended it to install gel and shampoo dispensers in the shower area of ​​the changing rooms.

At SCS Group, we have created an intelligent system to streamline and centralize gym cleaning and disinfection tasks in sports facilities and other sectors.

The system allows gym cleaning personnel to report the actions carried out. (Product replacements, times spent gym cleaning, or spaces visited). So that their supervisors can consult any movement and minimize the margin of error.

In addition, we also offer the possibility of installing a user satisfaction module.  To measure the opinion that members have regarding the hygiene of the sports facility.

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