Hygiene map in the food industry

Hygiene map in the food industry

When we talk about hygiene in the food industry, what exactly are we talking about?

It is very easy, to of the protocols that must follow to ensure the final quality of the product. Hygienic standards must part of our top priority for both in the production and in the marketing of all food products regulate these. The regulation also incorporates the responsibility of manufacturers and control authorities to respect the rules and correct practices to maintain total food hygiene in establishments.  

Proper hygiene map in the food industry to discover what products you need to guarantee food safety. In our guide to cleaning and disinfection in the food industry, we highlighted the hygiene procedures necessary to keep the facilities well cared for and to ship safe products.

In this article, we present a guide that contains the 8 products that, at SCS Group Integrated Services, we consider essential for hygiene in the food industry.

We explain what they are below and we invite you to download the hygiene map in the food industry that you will find at the end of the article.

  • Cleaners or detergents.
  • Disinfectants.
  • Brushes.
  • Soaps without dyes or aromas.
  • Non-woven fabric.
  • Individual Protection Equipment.
  • Food tools.
  • Enzymatic products to combat biofilm.

Cleaners or detergents

 Detergents are essential for cleaning any professional environment.

In the food industry, specifically, we must consider what type of waste we generate; grease, mineralized remains, etc.

Taking this into account, we will choose detergents with a pH opposite to that of the matter that we no longer use as part of our cleaning process. For example, to remove traces of grease (acid residues) we will use alkaline detergents, while to remove scale or mineralized residues (alkaline residues) we will opt for acid detergents. Finally, we will reserve neutral pH detergents for cleaning the most delicate surfaces, regardless of the residue.

In this guide, you can consult more recommendations for the purchase of detergents.


 Disinfectants are strictly necessary for the food industry to keep pathogenic bacteria at bay.

When choosing them, it is important to confirm that they have the TGA Registered. In addition, we must also consult the activity of each product, being able to distinguish between bactericide, virucide, fungicide, or yeasticide, among others.

For more recommendations, you can read our guide to buying disinfectants.


 The brushes will become the best allies for cleaning debris embedded in the most difficult-to-access surfaces.

Pay attention to the hardness of the filaments, consider if the handle or grip is ergonomic, and verify that they are available in different colors, To establish a code during cleaning. To establish a code during cleaning.

Soaps without dyes or aromas

Chocolate, absorb some aromas very easily. It is advisable to opt for hand soaps that do not incorporate aromas.

At SCS Group we normally use mild soaps, free of dyes and perfumes, and highly effective in eliminating bacteria from the hands.

Non woven fabric

The non-woven fabric offers much better results than those offered by microfiber cloths.

The clothes stand out for their great absorption capacity against liquids, dragging of the most minute particles, and low fiber detachment.

In the food industry case, we recommend using non-woven fabric cloths of different colors to code the cleaning. In this article, you can consult other benefits of non-woven fabric products. 

Individual Protection Equipment

 PPEs act as a double barrier in the food industry; On the one hand, they prevent workers from contaminating food, and they stop the transmission of bacteria that may be in food to people.

We recommend the use of aprons, sleeves, caps, masks, and disposable nitrile gloves for more hygienic use.

Remember that manufacturers of IIR surgical masks and disposable hygienic masks. For more information, you can read this article.

Food utensils

 When choosing the tools for handling food (spoons, spatulas, buckets, etc.) or cleaning surfaces (water pans, handles, etc.), Best of all you must pay special attention to hygienic and ergonomic design.

We have a range of metal-detectable products, specially designed to guarantee food safety.

Enzymatic products to combat biofilm

 Biofilm is one of the great threats to the food industry. For its prevention and treatment, we recommend having specific products that allow quick and clean action.

Enzymatic products are the best allies to combat biofilm in environments that work with food. We invite you to discover our selection of products to treat biofilm in this article.

Below, you can download the infographic that shows the hygiene map in the food industry. We invite you to place it in strategic places in your facilities or to share it with other people who have an interest.
