How To Get New Fruit In Animal Crossing New Horizons

How To Get New Fruit In Animal Crossing New Horizons

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, everyone starts with one fruit on their island, but you can get the others…

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, everyone starts out with a peach, a pear, an apple, an orange, or a cherry tree on their island. These fruits will grow on trees all over the island, and you can pick them and place them to make more. No fruit gives one island more power or rewards than another. They are all made the same, and the main competition for the most famous fruits is based on how they look.

Once players get a little farther in the game, though, it doesn’t matter what their original fruit is anymore. There are ways for them to get different foods, or even all five, on the island. If that’s how they feel, they could get rid of all of their natural fruit! Even though it’s not recommended, players should try to grow as many foreign foods as possible because they sell for more on their island than their own. How do players get these other fruits?

Take A Boat Tour With Kapp’n

Take A Boat Tour With Kapp'n

As part of the big 2.0 update to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which added farms and cooking, the familiar face of Kapp’n also came back. Since he has been in the series since the beginning, many fans were happy to see him in the current book. Kapp’n parks his motorized boat at the end of a player’s pier. For 1000 Nook Miles, he will take players to a mystery island once a day.

These islands are different from the ones players can get to with Dodo Airlines, and the seasons and weather can be very different from what players are used to. Some islands also have unique things like plants and glowing moss that players won’t find anywhere else. Kapp’n will sometimes take players to areas where coconuts grow on palm trees. The players can take these coconuts home and plant them on their own grounds.

Use Nook Miles Tickets

Use Nook Miles Tickets

The ABD can be used to trade a Nook Miles Ticket for 2,000 Nook Miles. This item can be bought in Resident Services. Many Animal Crossing players have already used these tickets to find their dream villagers. This is a popular way to find the perfect villagers in Animal Crossing. If players take a Nook Miles Ticket to the airport, they will be flown by Dodo Airlines to a nearby deserted island. These mystery islands aren’t as strange as the ones Kapp’n took him to, but they have a lot of natural goods.

Fruit will sometimes grow on these islands, which players can shake off the trees. These fruits are either native to the area or what is called a “sister fruit.” This means that Nook Miles Tickets can’t be used to buy every kind of food. But the good news is that most of these places will also have coconuts, so be sure to pick up some of those as well.

Dig Up The Whole Tree

Dig Up The Whole Tree

If a player wants to get the most non-native foods, they should bring a snack with them when they go to an island with Dodo Airlines or Kapp’n. In the game, eating gives players so much strength that they can break rocks or dig up whole trees. Players can take whole trees from secret islands home in their pockets if they have a good enough shovel and a snack.

The science behind this process doesn’t really make sense, but it works much faster than waiting for a piece of fruit you planted to grow back. With cooking added to the game, players won’t even have to give up their own fruit to buy fruit from trees that aren’t native to their world. When you take a whole tree back to plant it, the new fruit will be ready right away. Then, you can cook with this food or plant it to grow more trees.

Get A Dodo Code From Online Communities

Get A Dodo Code From Online Communities

Dodo Codes are used to get to another player’s island, either locally or online. This is a great way to get fruit that doesn’t grow on your island. Some online Animal Crossing groups will let other players post their Dodo Codes to invite people to their island. Players can join these groups and let others know they’re looking for a certain fruit, or they can go to an open island to get what they’re missing.

But it’s important to check with the hosts to make sure it’s okay to take food. If someone is advertising their Dodo Code for something else and people just go over and start picking their fruit, that’s not very nice. Communities in Animal Crossing often have their own rules about tipping, so players should do study ahead of time to find out what is expected. You can find these online groups on Reddit, Discord, and other places on the web.

Set Up A Trade

Set Up A Trade

Online communities for Animal Crossing are also great ways to trade items within the game. Because DIY recipes and item drops are random, many sites have been set up to help Animal Crossing fans get things they haven’t found yet. They are usually used to find furniture, art, or even things to make yourself, but they can also be used to get food.

People can post what they are ready to trade and what they want in return on many trading sites. Sometimes, they might want something similar in return, or they might want some extra bells. Players won’t be breaking Nintendo’s rules as long as they don’t trade things for real money. Win-win!

Check The Mailbox

Check The Mailbox

The letter system is one of the most popular parts of Animal Crossing games. It lets players talk to their friends and neighbors in very personal ways. Players can even send gifts with their letters, so they can send their friends things without even going to their island. As a gift, you can send up to ten fruits in a single letter. So, if a player’s friend has a product they need, this is a great way to get it without having to wait through long loading screens.

Sometimes, a person will also get a letter from their mom in the game. Mom is one of the best parents ever because she sends players sweet things she’s made herself and love letters. Mom will also send players a fruit from somewhere else once in a while. It might be because she wants to make sure her child eats good food. But it’s also a great help for people who want to get all of the game’s fruits.

Make Friends And Visit Their Island

Make Friends And Visit Their Island

Animal Crossing is a friendly organization game that is always more fun with friends. And sharing is a big part of it. Nintendo lets players visit their friends’ islands at any time of day or night. Whether they met them online or in real life. Visitors can shop, fish, and even pick fruit to their hearts’ satisfaction. They can also help out on their friend’s island by doing chores.

Like using Dodo Codes in online groups, players need to make sure their friends are okay with them taking the fruit. Even more so if it’s not from the friend’s island, because fruits from other places sell for more in Nook’s Cranny. When more bells are at stake, it’s best to ask first.

Ask To Take A Tree

Ask To Take A Tree

Once a player has been to someone’s island, they can add that person to their “Best Friends List” on the NookPhone. If you are best friends with someone in Funny Shooter 2 game, you can go to each other’s islands with more freedom. On other players’ islands, only best friends will be able to hit stones and trees or dig.

This means that best friends who have eaten something will be able to dig up a tree on another island. So, the next time a player goes to a best friend’s island, they should bring a snack with them because their friend might be kind enough to let them take a non-native fruit tree home.

Replant, Replant, Replant

Replant, Replant, Replant

When players take fruit home, it’s important that they put a lot of it back. Don’t sell all of the apples from a tree that has grown three of them yet. Instead, plant them. If players plant a lot of fruit, they will soon have a thriving orchard with lots of food to eat or sell.

Even though it might be annoying to have to wait for the trees to grow before making money. People will get much more money when there are a lot of trees. Also, because design is an important part of the game. Players can use these trees to make farms or other fruit-filled places on their island.

Be Careful About Location

Be Careful About Location

Players should be careful about where they plant non-native foods if they want to get the most out of them. It’s great to get the fruit, but if you put it in the wrong place. It will stay a sapling and not grow. Nothing is more depressing than going back to a game and finding a tiny sprout where a fruit tree used to be.

If you put fruit trees too close to a river or cliff or too close to each other, they won’t grow. For a tree to grow well, it needs room on all sides. Players should also think about the soil they put their trees in. Since normal fruit trees won’t grow on sand and coconut trees won’t grow on grass. The best way for people to get the most fruit is to plant it with care and thought.

On Nintendo Switch, you can play Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
