The Different Types of Cybersecurity

The Different Types of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a broad field that covers various disciplines, and it can be divided into seven main pillars.

The first pillar is network security

which aims to identify and block attacks that occur over the network. This type of security includes data and access controls, such as Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Identity Access Management (IAM), Network Access Control (NAC), and Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) application controls. Advanced network threat prevention technologies, such as Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), Next-Gen Antivirus (NGAV), Sandboxing, and Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR) are also crucial, as are network analytics, threat hunting, and automated Security Orchestration and Response (SOAR) technologies.

The second pillar is cloud security

which has become a major priority as organizations increasingly adopt cloud computing. A cloud security strategy includes cybersecurity solutions, controls, policies, and penetration testing services that protect an organization’s entire cloud deployment (applications, data, infrastructure, etc.) against attack. While many cloud providers offer security solutions, third-party solutions are necessary to achieve enterprise-grade security in the cloud.

The third pillar is an endpoint security

which is based on the zero-trust security model. It involves securing end-user devices such as desktops and laptops with data and network security controls, advanced threat prevention such as anti-phishing and anti-ransomware, and technologies that provide forensics, such as endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions.

The fourth pillar is mobile security

which is often overlooked. Mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones have access to corporate data, exposing businesses to threats from malicious apps, zero-day, phishing, and instant messaging (IM) attacks. Mobile security prevents these attacks and secures operating systems and devices from rooting and jailbreaking. When included with a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution, this enables enterprises to ensure only compliant mobile devices have access to corporate assets.

The fifth pillar is IoT security

which protects Internet of Things (IoT) devices that are inadvertently connected to the Internet from cyber threats. IoT security includes the discovery and classification of connected devices, auto-segmentation to control network activities, and using IPS as a virtual patch to prevent exploits against vulnerable IoT devices. In some cases, the firmware of the device can also be augmented with small agents to prevent exploits and runtime attacks.

The sixth pillar is application security

which aims to protect web applications from cyber threats. With application security, the OWASP Top 10 attacks can be stop. Application security also prevents bot attacks and stops any malicious interaction with applications and APIs. With continuous learning, apps will remain protected even as DevOps releases new content.

The seventh pillar is zero trust

which takes a more granular approach to security. Instead of building walls around an organization’s valuable assets like a castle, zero trust protects individual resources through a combination of micro-segmentation, monitoring, and enforcement of role-based access controls. As corporate assets move off-premises as part of cloud adoption and remote work, a new approach to security is need.

As the cyber threat landscape changes, organizations need protection against cybercriminals’ current and future tools and techniques. The cyber security threat landscape is continually evolving, and occasionally, these advancements represent a new generation of cyber threats. To date, we have experienced five generations of cyber threats and solutions designed to mitigate them, including virus attacks against standalone computers, cyberattacks over the Internet, exploitation of vulnerabilities within applications, malware able to evade signature-based defenses, and large-scale, multi-vector attacks. Each generation of cyber threats made previous cyber security solutions less effective or essentially obsolete. Protecting against the modern cyber threat landscape requires Gen V cyber security solutions.

Historically, many organizations’ security efforts have been focus on their own applications and systems. By hardening

Supply Chain Attacks

Many organizations’ security efforts have traditionally been concentrat on their own apps and systems. They strive to prevent cyber threat actors from penetrating corporate networks by hardening the perimeter and allowing only authorized users and applications access.

To protect against supply chain assaults, a zero-trust security solution is requir. While partnerships and vendor relationships are beneficial to businesses, third-party users and software should only have access to what is require to do their jobs and should be constantly monitor.


While ransomware has been around for decades, it has only recently become the dominant form of malware. The WannaCry ransomware outbreak highlighted the potential and profitability of ransomware assaults, resulting in an unexpected increase in ransomware activities.

The ransomware model has grown dramatically since then. Previously, ransomware would only encrypt files; now, it will steal data in order to extort the victim and their customers in double and triple extortion attacks. Some ransomware groups may also threaten or use Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks to entice victims to pay the ransom.
