The Role of AngularJS in Developing Single Page Applications (SPAs)

The Role of AngularJS in Developing Single Page Applications (SPAs)

Role of AngularJS Developing Before the introduction of Single page applications, businesses used Multi-page applications. When using multi-page applications, every page had to load from the server. This resulted in slow website lading and not up to the mark user experience. However, with the introduction of robust technologies like AngularJS, Single page applications took a significant rise.

In this article, we will explain to you the role of building a single page application with AngularJS. But first, let us understand the Single page application in brief.

What are single page applications?

Single page applications are full-fledged web applications that load once. When a user clicks on a specific part of the page, only the selected portion is loaded instead of loading an entirely new page. This ensures high performance and faster page rendering. Modern apps use this concept. Today Best Angularjs development company have registered growth in the SPA projects. When we start a single web page app, all the data is feted from the server at the beginning. With the recent versions of AngularJS and HTML, it is highly possible to build fluid and responsive web apps. Facebook, Twitter, and Google Drive are some great examples of Single page applications (SPA).

What benefits does SPA unlock?

SPA unlocks a range of benefits. These benefits are exclusive to businesses, users, and developers. Here are the top benefits of Single page applications.

  • Caching: When clients have a poor network connection, Caching is beneficial. The app sends a request to the server and saves the response in the form.
  • Fast and Responsive: Since pages in a SPA load dynamically, the overall application speed increases.
  • Ease in Debugging: Debugging of single page applications is easier while using browsers like Chrome. Tools like AngularJS Batarang make the process easy.
  • Collaboration with Team: Back-end developers can focus on the API, and Front end developers can concentrate on building the user interface. Hence, more than one developer can work on Single page apps simultaneously.

SPAs are good if your data overall is small in nature. They are also great if you want to build PWA using Angular for your app for mobile. However, businesses relying on search engine optimization shall avoid it. For example, E-commerce applications should avoid single page apps.

What is the Role of AngularJS in building SPA?

AngularJS unfolds ease of Single page application development. The diverse group of over 1.7 million developers, library authors, and content creators work on Angular, making it one of the most popular technology. Here is why you should build Single page app using AnglarJS.

Consistent coding and easy testing

Inconsistent code increases the risk of delayed launches in the app, giving a poor user experience. Angular Framework enables components that are independent of other elements. These components unlock re-usability, simplified unit testing, improved readability, and ease of maintenance. The overall testing becomes easy when the code is consistent. Developers can focus on business logic instead of the coding and testing part of the application.

Modular Structure

The code in Angular is organized in buckets, and they are known as Modules. These modules make the application organizing easier and unlock reusable chunks. Further, the app loads in the background while other features work flawlessly. This in turn improves the overall user experience of the app. When users click on a button and it takes time in rendering, users can perform another important task simunatenously.

PWA and SPA friendly

Caching in PWA is efficient when using AngularJS. The server does not use outdated content or show a time out error since the app is saved as a cache. For SPAs, SEO ranking improves since the rendering capabilities are quick and flawless. SEO ranking becomes a key factor for businesses since it brings more prospect to the sales team. The online visibility of the business as a brand on internet too improves significantly when a website is SEO friendly.

MVP pattern in simplified form

The architectural setup of the Angular framework follows Model view controller architecture. When developers divide an app, they do not have to worry about anything because Angular takes care of the rest. The need for Writing getters and setters is less due to its MVC pattern.

Google behind the back

Angular continuously announces its new releases, regularly bringing the latest features. The team of Google takes care of the requirements of Developers building apps with Angular. When we work on a technology built by a tech giant like Google, we can rely easily on it. Further, the community of Angular is strong no matter if its on Git hub or Stack overflow.

Ending words

Building Single page applications using Angular unlocks a high level of potential for businesses. From Search engine optimization benefits to faster rendering and easy testing, development becomes easy. If you have a SPA idea, you shall build it with Angular and hire a Best Angularjs development company. While hiring an AngularJS development company make sure that you visit the compan’y profile on social media as well as their website. On the website, you have to consider the content quality, client testimonials and other necessary factors.
