List Of 7 Best Maps In Mordhau

List Of 7 Best Maps In Mordhau

Players in Mordhau shouldn’t pass up these fun games.

Mordhau is one of the most violent games on the market. Players fight with swords, knives, and even frying pans in a brutal medieval style. Players can try out different game modes, such as large pitched fights, smaller skirmishes or duels, and even a mode called “Horde,” in which players work together to try to stop waves of enemies.

All of these game modes can be played on different maps in Mordhau. Some maps are only good for small skirmishes, while others can be used for more than one form. Before every game, the players get to choose which map they want to play on.



The Arena map is by far the best choice for players who just want to have a fair fight without any distractions or buildings that might get in the way of long Zweihander swings. This simple map is the smallest in the game. Players face off in a circular field surrounded by cheering crowds who want to see bloodshed.

On this map, you can also play Deathmatch, a free-for-all game, and ranked 3 vs. 3 Teamfights. Arena is a lot like the Colosseums in Elden Ring, where players fight to the death in heated duels.



This map is different from others in Mordhau because it has a small protected town in the middle and a lot of buildings close together. Inside the town, weapons that are generally good because they have a long reach can be hard to use because they might hit a wall before they hit a head.

On either side of the town, however, players will find more open areas, and in some game types, they can even mount their trusty mounts and charge at enemies with a lance or another weapon of their choice. Feitoria is also great for Horde mode, which is a bit like the Zombie mode in the Call of Duty series.

The Pit

The Pit

Even though The Pit is considered a small area and is where the Brawl game modes take place, it’s not really that small, so fights often break out in places where no one else is. This is one reason why it usually gets a lot of votes.

As the name suggests, the map has a pit in the middle, which makes two levels where players can fight. Small wooden bridges connect the higher ground to the lower ground. The Pit is like one of the best Call of Duty maps of all time, Rust, in that it is a small map in a dry desert.

Mountain Peak

Mountain Peak

Because of all the snow and ice, Mountain Peak is by far the most unique map in Mordhau. Despite the harsh nature of the game, it almost makes players think they are playing a cozy winter game.

Even though the setting is frozen, epic fights are still fought on this large map. The central bridge is a key focus for both sides. In both Invasion and Horde mode, there is also a castle at one end, which makes sense since it is a great place to defend from.



When it comes to the smaller maps in Mordhau that are used for game modes with fewer people. Contraband is always the map that gets the most votes.

In ruins that are falling apart, there are a few gaps and a pit that players need to watch out for. Players also have to learn how to get up to a viewing point. Aside from that, the map is pretty simple and open. So players can use the best tools in Mordhau to fight.



Grad is a big map in Mordhau, and it has been one of the best all-around choices since Penalty Kick Online game came out. In Grad, the small castle, which players can defend or attack, is the game’s main focus.

Since the name of the map is Grad, which is the Old Slavic word for city or town. It is likely based on rural Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages. Players will also find the remains of a town and a farm. Which might make them want to play one of the best farming games of all time.



When players load up Mordhau for the first time and start the great introduction. They will be in the middle of a war camp. This is actually one part of the map called Camp. At the other end of Camp is another camp, and in the middle is an empty wasteland. This is, of course, the best place for a battleground.

Camp is always one of the community’s favorite maps. Whether it’s because it has the right setting or because it’s well-balanced. Because the map is so big, it can be used for most game modes, like skirmishes with 64 players or Horde mode, where players guard a nobleman in one of the camps.

Mordhau is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
