Cervical Cancer in Young Women: Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Cervical Cancer in Young Women: Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Cervical cancer develops in the cervix region, the extreme lower part of the uterus. Even though older women are more prone to cervical cancer, it can affect young women. This deadly disease is most commonly diagnosed in women aged between 30 and 45.

Understanding the risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options for cervical cancer in young women will help in early detection and facilitate effective treatment.

This article will give you insights into the risks, symptoms, and cervical cancer treatment in young women.

Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer

Numerous factors can elevate the risk of a young woman developing cervical cancer. However, the most significant risk factor for cervical cancer is infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). It is a sexually transmitted infection that can cause significant changes within the cells of the cervix, thereby leading to cancer.

Apart from HPV, other risk factors for cervical cancer include:

● Weak Immune System

Women diagnosed with HIV or AIDS are very likely to have a significantly weakened immune system. Women who have undergone any organ transplant are at a potentially higher risk of developing cervical cancer.

● Smoking

Women who smoke are at a considerably higher risk of developing cervical cancer in comparison to non-smokers. Smoking can weaken the immune system, making it difficult for the body to deal with cancer.

● Long-Term Usage of Oral Contraceptives

Women who use or have used oral contraceptives earlier for more than five years are at a higher risk of developing cervical cancer.

● Family History

Young women with a family history of cervical or other cancers are also at a higher risk of developing this disease.

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer might not cause any noticeable symptoms in the early stages. But as it grows and spreads, it can cause the following symptoms:

● Pelvic Pain or Experiencing Pain During Intercourse

It might be a sign that indicates cervical cancer has spread to nearby healthy organs and tissues.

● Abnormal Bleeding from the Vagina

Cervical cancer might cause severe bleeding between period cycles, after menopause, or after sexual intercourse.

● Acute Pain While Urinating

If you experience severe pain while urinating, it might indicate that cancer has spread to the bladder.

● Unusual Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharges that are watery, bloody, or have a foul odour might indicate cervical cancer.

These symptoms can also be caused by several other health conditions. Also, if you ever experience one or more of these symptoms, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have cervical cancer.

However, you should consult your doctor for a deeper evaluation.

Treatment for Cervical Cancer

The appropriate treatment for cervical cancer will depend on the stage of cancer you’re diagnosed with. A few other factors, like your age, overall health, etc., are also considered.

Some of the most common treatment options for cervical cancer include:

● Surgery

Surgery removes the cancerous cells or the entire uterus and cervix. Your doctor might recommend surgery after determining the stage of cancer. But if you wish to conceive children in the future, then you won’t be able to undergo surgery to remove the uterus.

● Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy involves the usage of powerful drugs to kill cancer cells. Your doctor might use it alone or in combination with surgery or radiation therapy.

● Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy uses powerful and high-energy X-rays or other radiation to target cancer cells. Like chemotherapy, this treatment option can be used alone or in combination with surgery or chemotherapy.

● Targeted therapy

This treatment option uses drugs that target the cancerous cells of the cervix. A unique characteristic of targeted therapy is that it damages the cancer cells without harming the healthy cells. Doctors might use this option in combination with chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cervical cancer treatment.

To Conclude

You should seek immediate treatment if your loved ones or you have been diagnosed with cervical cancer. The highly skilled and proficient doctors at reputed hospitals will provide you with the best treatment.

If you are at risk of cervical cancer, then regular cervical cancer screenings are crucial. You can take the HPV vaccine to reduce the risk of developing the deadly disease.

Read more health blogs about:

What is Cervical Cancer

