What Are Eye Bags And How To Get Rid Of Them

What Are Eye Bags And How To Get Rid Of Them

We all know that under eye bags are pockets of skin undeneath the eyes that are filled with fluid or fats as you age, right? However, there are various causes of under-eye bag. But you do not have to worry about them at all. Why? Well, with the advancement in technology in the medical field, eye bag surgery has become one of the safest and effective way of revitalizing the skin under the eyes.

It doesn’t matter whether you are tired of looking tired all the time. The eye bags or the dark cirlces under the eye can without a doubt make you look older and exhausted than you already are. The eye bags tend to occur when the skin under the eyes become thin and transparent. This exposes the underlying blood vessles and the muscles of the eyes. Since you’ve landed on this page, you have nothing to worry about as we’ve discussed what causes the bags under the eyes and how you will be able to get rid of them.

Prime Causes For Eye Bags

There are various reasons that contribute to the formation of bags under the eyes. Some of the most common ones are mentioned below.


As we grow old, the skin around the eyes become thinner and the skin often loses its elasticity. This is the major cause of sagging and wrinkles. As the skin starts to sag, the blood vessels under the skin starts to get more visble, which results in puffiness of the eyes.


Some people are more prone to developing under eye bags because of genetic reasons. This means that they have naturally thin skin or they have a family history of under eye bags. So, it doesn’t matter whether you opt for remedies for preventing it, you will get them sooner or later.


Keep in mind that allergies can cause swelling in the face and also inflammation under the eyes. This can easily lead to the development of eye bags.

Lack Of Sleep

Did you know that lack of sleep is the most common cause of under sys bags? Lack of sleep cause the fluid to gather under the eyes, which leads to puffiness and dark circles.

Low Water Intake

Low intake of water can cause the skin to become dull and dry. This accentutate the appearance of the eye bags quicker than most of the causes that are mentioned above.

How To Get Rid Of Them

Get Sleep

There is no questioning about this. Getting 6 to 8 hours of uninterupted sleep is one of the most effective ways to reduce eye bags. This way your body will be able to regulate the fluid and also reduce the puffiness around the eyes.

Drink Ample Amount Of Water

Drinking sufficient amount of water will help your skin stay hydrated and also help in reducing the appearance of the bags under the eyes.  On average, you need to drink 5 to 8 glass of water everyday.

Cold Compression

Did you know that applying cold compression can help in reducing puffiness and inflammation? If you do not have access to cold packs, you can use sliced cucumber or a cold spoon as an alternative.

Use Eye Care Creams

Creams that contant caffeine, retinol, and Vitamin C can also aid in reducing the appearance of eye bags and at the same time increase collagen production. You can easily fine eye care products on the internet. Just make sure that you are applying them twice a day to get good results.

Protect Your Skin

One of the best ways to avoid eye bags is to protect your skin from direct sunlight. The UV rays can easily break down the collagen and elastin of the skin. This leads to the formation of eye bags. However, wearing SPF 30 or higher will sheild your eyes from the harmful UV rays.

Consider Surgery

If nothing seems to work, then your last resort will be cosmetic surgery. Don’t worry, eye bag surgery is safe and secure when performed by a licensed and experienced surgeon. The surgeon will remove the excess skin and fat from under the eye without causing any pain.

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Indeed, eye bags are a frustrating cosmetic concern. But keep in mind that they are harmless in most cases. Most of the times, a change in the lifestyle and skincare routine can help in reducing their appearance.
